For Evil to Flourish, Good Men Must Do Nothing
"Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it." Thomas Paine
Thank you for your interest in the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan. According to a Gallup study published in February of 2021, 62% of American's want a third party. GOOD NEWS!!! We're here. We are the Michigan affiliate of the Constitution Party, one of only five political parties recognized by the Federal Election Commission. We look forward to working with you.
Local Activity
Changing the ordinances of local government and the laws of state government is very possible when you have the backing of a number of people within the party. That group of people is the County Committee, or in some cases, a group of County Committees. Changing the face of the nation can and will happen when the people assemble. Now is more important than ever.
If you don't find a committee in your county, please contact us. We can help you get one started.
Run for Office
The goals of the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan include recruiting good candidates to place on the ballot. We encourage all American Loving Patriots who understand the rule of law and agree with out platform to run for office. We will not only help you get started, but also help guide you through every stage of the process.
Click the button above to get started.
If you prefer, you can download the PDF form HERE and mail it to us. Mailing address: US Taxpayers Party, PO box 1722, Grand Rapids, MI 49501.
Financial Support
We work hard to earn the support of people like you. None of this can happen without your financial contributions.
If you have not supported us yet financially, or if you have not supported us in some time, please consider sending a check or supporting us online. To simply become a member of the party and take advantage of the many benefits of membership, click the donate button above.
In order for us to accept a donation, the State of Michigan requires us to collect the following information.
Your name, address, phone number, occupation, employer, employer address and employer phone number. Please include this information with your mail in donation. We apologize for the inconvenience.