Christine Schwartz
Christine SchwartzState Committee Vice-Chair


Ottawa County Committee Chair

Christine Schwartz serves as SCC Vice Chair and its Treasurer, Chair of the Finance Committee, serves on the membership and communications committees, Chair of the Ottawa County Constitution Party and a Constitution Party National Committee Member

Christine is a Financial Services Representative, helping people with money and personal finance and is an office assistant for an area underground sprinkling contractor. She owns Cross Crown Industries, where she provides products for the Christian American Patriot.

She has held public office in the capacity of local school board member, township deputy clerk and township parks commission member and director, as well as many other volunteer positions in a variety of organizations.

Issues: Party by Party, presented by Chairman Bill Mohr more than a decade ago, provided the catalyst for her involvement with the US Taxpayers Party. She has been a candidate on the ballot since then and has served in many positions of leadership within the party.

“As citizens of this great land, we need to be involved in the process of governance at every level because this is the people’s country, bought with the blood and sacrifice of many patriots. Our Constitutions give us the framework to work within the system of government to provide for a free and prosperous people, born and yet to be born. It is only going to succeed when we use it the way it was intended by the founders of our States and nation – Constitutional Republic form of government.

My goal is to serve, encourage, and lead by example so that others will desire to become involved in the defense of liberty and the restoration of the United States of America to One Nation Under God.

Every citizen has a part in this, the greatest experiment in history: Of the People, By the People, For the People. Join us as we stand for freedom, liberty, and justice for all.”

About the USTPM

The USTPM would like to challenge voters to get informed and take a proactive role in ensuring a good future for our posterity. Their well being is solely dependent upon our current actions.

We are a ballot qualified party, which means we can slate candidates and get them on the ballot each general election. We present them to you, the voter, for consideration.

Please take the time, do the research and vote for the most qualified.

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